Is the Risk of Surgery Worth It for Your Pet?

A surgical procedure can be invasive and may look like a drastic measure for your pet, but it is the most effective and only option in many cases. When medical treatment isn’t enough to cure an injury or health problem, surgery may be necessary to restore your pet’s health.
This blog post will briefly discuss when surgery could be the right choice for your pet.
When is surgery necessary for your pet?
Here are some of the problems why surgical procedure might be the only alternative for your pet:
To Treat Severe Injuries
Surgery can treat serious injuries that can not heal via any other means. For example, it can help address broken bones, fractures, torn muscles, ligaments, or tendons. The pet’s bones, muscles, and ligaments will be restored during the procedure with the help of a vet surgeon. In some cases, pins and screws may aid in stabilizing the bones and making sure they heal properly.
To Treat Abnormal Growths
A surgical operation can be used if your pet has abnormal growths, such as tumors or cysts. These growths will be extracted so they will not cause additional issues or discomfort. After the procedure, they will send the removed tissue to the laboratory for analysis and further assessment.
To Address Health Problems
In some cases, surgery is used to address long-term health problems such as cancer or kidney stones that are causing discomfort and pain in your pet. Surgery can remove tumors or blockages that prevent your pet from being able to function properly.
Other medical conditions that may require surgery include:
- Oral issues
- Bladder stones
- Gastrointestinal issues
- Cancers, such as the eyelid, mouth, spleen, and live tumors
- Skin abscess
- Inflammation
- Pressure ulcer
These conditions need a post-op critical care vet since they need to be observed closely, and the care and treatments may differ depending on the individual pet. Visit this page to find out how major health issues in pets can be addressed through surgery and how veterinarians can help.
To Repair Birth Defects
Congenital disabilities, such as cleft palates or umbilical hernias, are common in pets and may call for surgery to help them live healthier and more comfortable life. Otherwise, they may have a hard time eating or breathing properly.
To Perform Spay or Neuter
Spaying and neutering can help reduce pet overpopulation and promote responsible pet ownership. It also offers health advantages for your pet, such as reducing the threat of certain types of cancer, preventing unwanted litter, and decreasing aggressive behaviors. Surgery is the only way to perform these treatments, so seek advice from your veterinarian regarding when it’s best to do so and any potential risks involved.
To Remove Objects Ingested By Your Pet
Surgery may be required if your pet has consumed an object resulting in distress or pain. X-rays can identify a foreign body, such as a bone, plaything, or cloth, and afterward, surgery can be carried out to remove the item safely.
This type of procedure must typically occur swiftly to ensure no further damage occurs and the object does not move through the digestive system. Choose a credible and experienced expert like Pacific and Santa Cruz Veterinary Specialists for your pet’s surgery demands. Ensure that their facility also offers lab and diagnostic tests and anesthesia, and post-operative care.
Final Thoughts
Surgery for your pet’s health issue can be a frightening and overwhelming experience, but in many cases, it may be the most reliable way to guarantee that your pet has the best chance at recovery. Utilizing all the information available from your veterinarian is essential when deciding on your pet’s surgery.
Remember that there are always options, so feel free to ask questions or get second opinions if you need clarification. Above all else, provide your pet with all the love, care, and attention they need throughout this difficult time.