5 Human Foods You Can Share With Your Dog

Considering what to feed your canine or anyone in your care is not something to take lightly. Besides mental health and physical exercise, diet is among the biggest contributors to well-being. Feeding your pet healthy foods is essential. The eating patterns we incorporate into our loved ones’ diets, including our pets, can mean the difference between a healthy life and programming them for failure.
So if you’re considering healthier food options for your dog apart from their recommended canine food, this article isn’t something you should skip. So let’s discuss the human foods that are safe and healthy for your furry companion.
Healthy Pet-Friendly Foods
If you’re planning to start feeding your pet human food, start with small amounts, then eventually add as their tolerance increases. Keep in mind that human foods supplements should just be 25% percent of your pet’s diet to keep everything balanced. Below are five human foods you can start feeding your pet as treats or snacks.
1. Eggs
Feeding scrambled eggs to your four-legged friend is a great way to boost their diet’s protein. In addition, eggs are high in protein and a great source of easily digestible selenium and riboflavin. Avoid feeding raw eggs to your pet to prevent salmonella. You might also consider boiled or poached eggs, but remember not to put any seasoning.
2. Sweet potatoes
These tuberous root veggies rich in beta-carotene have 150% more antioxidants than blueberries. Furthermore, sweet potatoes are high in vitamin C to reinforce your pet’s immune system and high in vitamin A to keep their heart healthy. However, keep in mind that nutritious foods aren’t meant to substitute their preventative care.
It’s still important to be up-to-date on their preventative care and vaccinations to prevent prevalent pet diseases and give them the best shot for healthier lives. You may browse the web to read more about the importance of pet preventive care.
3. Yogurt
Yogurt has active cultures called probiotics, which keep bad bacteria away. It helps improve gut function and has nutrients like phosphorus, potassium, iodine, zinc, protein, and calcium. Furthermore, it’s a good source of pantothenic acid and riboflavin, which is responsible for energy production, cellular functions, and enzyme action.
Yogurt is an excellent calcium source and can help dogs with arthritis symptoms, according to a Bedford vet. Although they might benefit more from vet acupuncture as it’s commonly used for relieving pain and improving joint range of motion.
4. Pumpkin
Pumpkin is among the healthiest human food for pets. It’s an excellent source of fiber, vitamin A, and beta-carotene. Moreover, it also promotes a healthy digestive tract. Canned and fresh pumpkins are perfect dog treats as long as they’re plain with no added seasonings or sweeteners. Even with healthy food like pumpkin, sometimes it’s still inevitable for canines to show signs of health problems.
So when that happens, be proactive in taking them to a nearby pet pharmacy to determine their condition and start their treatment immediately.
5. Sardines
Taurine, a naturally occurring amino acid that contains sulfur, is getting popular lately. This explains why many fur parents are looking for ways to incorporate taurine into their dog’s diet, and sardines are an excellent and readily available choice. Sardines contain omega-3 fatty acids that are essential for good health.
Since they are short-lived fish, they don’t have enough time to accumulate toxins in their body and don’t eat larger, older fishes that have time to do so. This makes sardines a relatively clean and better choice.